HTPA Thermal Infrared Temperature Measurement Module (modules.htpa)

Hyman HTPA 32x32 Thermal Infrared Questioning Module

1. Construction method htpa (i2c, scl_pin, sda_pin, i2c_freq)

Create an instance

1.1. Parameters

  • i2c: I2C number, such asI2C.I2C0, value [0, 2] (see machine.I2C)
  • scl_pin: I2C SCL pin
  • sda_pin: I2C SDA pin
  • i2c_freq: I2C clock frequency

1.2. return value

htpa object

2. Instance method temperature()

Get the sensor temperature value, which can only be called by the instance

2.1. return value

Array, the length is the width x height of the sensor, such as 32x32

3. Instance method width()

Gets the sensor resolution width, which can only be called by the instance

3.1. return value

Integer, width

4. instance method height()

Gets the sensor resolution width, which can only be called by the instance

5. Examples


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