Upgrade MaixPy firmware

1. Connecting the board

Connect the Type C cable, one end to the development board, one end to the computer.

2. Install driver

Install driver as described above

3. Get the upgrade tool

  • Download kflash_gui and you will get a zip file.

    kflash_gui is cross-platform, it can work on multiple systems (including Windows, Linux, MacOS or even Raspberry Pi)

Extract the downloaded file to a folder, then double-click kflash_gui.exe to run the app.

  • Or use terminal tool
    pip3 install kflash
    kflash --help
    kflash -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 1500000 -B goE maixpy.bin

4. Get firmware

  • The release version of the firmware is downloaded from the GitHub page
  • The automated builds can be downloaded from here

Firmware files have the .bin or .kfpkg extension

You can pack kfpkg file with kflash_gui, or manually according to this kfpkg doc

Firmware naming instructions:

  • maixpy_v*.bin: Full version of MaixPy firmware (MicroPython + OpenMV API etc.)
  • maixpy_v*_with_lvgl.bin: MaixPy firmware, with LVGL version. (LVGL is an embedded GUI framework, you need to use when writing the interface)
  • maixpy_v0.3.1_minimum.bin: MaixPy firmware minimum set, not supported ´by MaixPy IDE, does not contain OpenMVrelated algorithms
  • face_model_at_0x300000.kfpkg: Face model, placed in address 0x300000, can be downloaded multiple times without conflict
  • elf.7z: elf file, ordinary users do not care, used for crash debugging

5. Upload firmwre to the development board

  • Open kflash_gui

  • Select the firmware, set the options and then click to download. For more features, or instructions on how to use the tool, check the kflash_gui project page

For the early Maix Go, if the download fails, try holding the three-phase dial to the down location during the download procedure. Go Key Down

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