Getting a development board

Get your favorite hardware from Sipeed's official Taobao store or from Seeed Studio

1. Required hardware

1.1. A development board

See boards in Wiki

And get your favorite hardware from Sipeed's official Taobao store or from Seeed Studio

1.2. USB Type C cable


Type-C is chosen because it's reversible and it's very friendly for development.

If you're buying from the official Taobao store, you can ask them to include it with your order. Type-C cables are also very common with Android phones.

1.3. Screen

By default, the LCD (24-pin interface) of the st7789 driver chip is used with a resolution of 320x240.

If you're buying from the official Taobao store, you can ask them to include it with your order.

1.4. Camera

MaixPy devices support the ov2640 camera by default(or gc0328 or ov7740), and are often bundled with Maix devices. The ov2640 cameras bundled with Maix device are typically offered with two different lens options; a larger focusable fisheye lens, or a smaller fixed-focus lens.

If you're buying from the official Taobao store, you can order a specific camera with your order.

1.5. Micro SD Card (TF Card) (optional)

Some Flash memory within the the device is reserved for a file system, but this internal memory is very slow! For quicker operation and additional storage, you can insert a Micro SD card or a TF card into the card slot available on most Maix devices.

When purchasing a memory card, try to choose a new fast Micro SD card, such as a SD 2 generation protocol, Class10 memory card.

Of course, the quality of SD cards on the market is uneven, and the SPI mode may not be compatible. Try to buy a regular card. Or maybe you should customize the driver code ~~

As shown below, the two cards on the left are not supported by the MaixPy driver. Both the middle and the right cards are supported, but the class10 card in the middle is the fastest(and tested maximum capacity is 128GB).

If you purchase a Maix Go, it has an embedded STM32 chip to simulate the USB-to-Serial converter, as well as JTAG. If you want to upgrade its firmware later on, it is recommended to buy an ST-Link programmer.

1.7. JTAG Debugger (optional)

The K210 chip supports JTAG debugging. If you need to debug, you will need to use the JTAG debugger. Please check the Sipeed Taobao store or to buy one.

If you are using a Maix Go development board, you won't need to purchase the JTAG debugger separately as it has an integrated STM32 chip that can emulate JTAG (STM32 uses CMSIS-DAP or open-ec firmware). open-ec firmware is currently not supported, although support will be added later. Please refer to the open-ec GitHub project page for more information.

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