
PWM: Pulse width modulation module, hardware-supported PWM, can specify any pin (0 to 47 pins)

Each PWM depends on a timer, that is, when the timer is bound to the PWM function, it cannot be used as an ordinary timer. Because there are 3 timers and each timer has 4 channels, that is, a maximum of 12 PWM waveforms can be generated at the same time.

1. Constructor

`python class machine.PWM (tim, freq, duty, pin, enable = True) `

Create a new PWM object with the specified parameters

1.1. Parameters

  • tim: Each PWM relies on a timer to generate a waveform, so a timer object needs to be passed here. The timer ID and channel number must be specified when the timer object is initialized.
  • freq: PWM waveform frequency
  • duty: PWM duty cycle, refers to the percentage of high level in the entire cycle, value: [0,100]
  • [pin]: PWM output pin. Instead of setting it, use [fm] (../ builtin_py / to manage the pin mapping uniformly.
  • enable: Whether to start generating the waveform immediately, the default bitTrue, and to start generating the PWM waveform on the specified pin immediately after the object is generated

2. Method

2.1. init


`python PWM.init (tim, freq, duty, pin, enable = True) `


Same as constructor

return value


2.2. freq

Get or set the PWM frequency

`python PWM.freq (freq) `


  • freq: PWM frequency, optional parameter, if no parameter is passed, the step setting only returns the current frequency value

return value

Actual PWM frequency currently set

2.3. duty

Gets or sets the PWM duty cycle

`python PWM.duty (duty) `


  • duty: PWM duty cycle is optional. If no parameter is passed, the step setting only returns the current duty cycle value.

return value

PWM duty cycle value currently set

2.4. enable

Enable PWM output to generate waveform immediately on specified pin

`python PWM.enable () `



return value


2.5. disable

Disable PWM output, no longer generate waveforms at specified pins

`python PWM.disable () `



return value


2.6. deinit / \ del \

Unregister the PWM hardware, release the occupied resources, and shut down the PWM clock

`python PWM.deinit () `



return value



`python pwm.deinit () or `` python del pwm `

3. Constants


4. Examples

4.1. Routine 1 (breathing light)

` python from machine import Timer, PWM import time from fpioa_manager import board_info

tim = Timer (Timer.TIMER0, Timer.CHANNEL0, mode = Timer.MODE_PWM) ch = PWM (tim, freq = 500000, duty = 50, pin = board_info.LED_G) duty = 0 dir = True while True: if dir: duty + = 10 else: duty-= 10 if duty> 100: duty = 100 dir = False elif duty <0: duty = 0 dir = True time.sleep (0.05) ch.duty (duty) `

4.2. Routine 2

` python import time import machine from fpioa_manager import board_info

tim = machine.Timer (machine.Timer.TIMER0, machine.Timer.CHANNEL0, mode = machine.Timer.MODE_PWM) ch0 = machine.PWM (tim, freq = 3000000, duty = 20, pin = board_info.LED_G, enable = False) ch0.enable () time.sleep (3) ch0.freq (2000000) print ("freq:", ch0.freq ()) ch0.duty (60) time.sleep (3) ch0.disable () `

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