How to use (/read) this article correctly
Note: Currently the only official document website:
On start, you can read carefully from the top to the next page according to the directory on the left sidebar.
Then you can learn how to update the firmware, how to coding, and you must learn how to use serial terminal
Every module's doc contains examples at the end of page, or you can find examples here, you can try them out ~
Finally, the interface and parameters of the module are consulted according to their own needs during use. There is a search box in the upper left corner, which can be used well. You can also use the browser's page search function, ie press Ctrl+F, then enter the content to search and press the enter key
If you can't find you want, don't worry, you can go to github's issue (issue) Is there any mention of the page (/search)? If you don't have one, you can create a new issue or contact technical support.
If pages load slowly, refresh or just wait, or change your network
Doc pages generated by gitbook, there may be some error occur when click too fast but network speed not enough, just take care of the url( path ), for example:
Wrong url:
Correct url:
so just change the wrong url, or just back to (
) refresh page
In addition, you need to note when asking questions on github or forums: Ask questions to provide complete steps to reproduce the problem, so that developers can test the problem and solve it!
For common problems, please see Common Problems