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pyBoard 今日: 2 |主题: 20|排名: 1 

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全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 【官方】MicroPython 固件下载 attachment  ...23456..15 闪电 2020-8-17 145932385 XRumerTest 2024-10-11 19:56
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 【官方】MicroPython开发工具下载  ...2 闪电 2020-8-17 10218086 nihaolaiv 2023-6-20 14:07
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 MicroPython开发套件配套资料下载和使用说明 attach_img 闪电 2020-8-17 8145876 nihaolaiv 2023-6-16 10:55
本版置顶 隐藏置顶帖 pyboard 快速参考手册  ...2 闪电 2020-4-19 16242383 XRumerTest 2024-7-27 01:23
本版置顶 隐藏置顶帖 MicroPython 内部结构  ...2 闪电 2021-11-19 10184269 IlonfDafild 2023-8-3 21:08
本版置顶 隐藏置顶帖 MicroPython 与 CPython 的区别  ...2 闪电 2021-11-19 18226683 hydraPoito 2023-6-1 11:37
使用文件系统 attach_img 闪电 2022-1-20 297805 cvjklkj 2024-11-25 10:16
The combination of IPQ5018 and QCN6122 indicates a powerful networking solution. Cindy1818 2023-6-5 288478 XRumerTest 2024-10-11 19:45
最大化 MicroPython 速度  ...2 闪电 2022-1-20 11183853 Edwardlab 2024-2-27 15:02
python该怎么学 新人帖 groundDemo 2022-8-10 8101170 Edwardlab 2024-2-20 04:17
Difference between from DR4019 DR4029 /industrial wifi5 router/support openwrt. 新人帖 Cindy1818 2023-5-25 893572 Geraldweini 2023-8-27 14:55
lcd160cr — LCD160CR显示控制  ...2 闪电 2022-1-20 11196299 Geraldweini 2023-8-27 06:12
Wallys/Qualcomm network chip/ipq9574/ipq9554/wireless connectivity solutions. Cindy1818 2023-6-6 177364 Kennethdox 2023-7-22 16:15
Wallys /MediaTek MT7915 DR7915/Wi-Fi 6 Wave 1+ chipset/support openwrt attach_img Cindy1818 2023-6-14 074703 Cindy1818 2023-6-14 16:18
Wallys AP controllers devices/IPQ4019 and IPQ4029 chipsets provide central... Cindy1818 2023-5-29 075268 Cindy1818 2023-5-29 13:39
IPQ8072 or IPQ8072A with the QCN9074/9024 / well-suited for high-end routers.... Cindy1818 2023-5-29 076268 Cindy1818 2023-5-29 11:29
Wallys/The IPQ9554+qcn6274 support the new WiFi 7 standard. 新人帖 Cindy1818 2023-5-25 075231 Cindy1818 2023-5-25 15:16
TimerWiPy 类——控制硬件定时器  ...2 闪电 2022-1-20 11198929 hanhan 2023-4-25 09:42
ADCWiPy 类 – 模数转换 闪电 2022-1-20 9118141 zhao 2023-2-27 11:40
MicroPython 库 闪电 2022-1-20 9111393 AmeliaUtero 2022-7-8 08:20


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